by Stephanie Storey
Arcade 2016
345 p. Historical Fiction
Make sure you have access to the Internet before
you begin reading Oil and Marble by Stephanie Storey, because you will spend a
great deal of time looking for images of the works of Michelangelo, Leonardo da
Vinci and Botticelli, among others. Storey has created a well-imagined rivalry
between the fifty-year old Leonardo and the much younger Michelangelo. When the
novel begins, both have returned to their home city of Florence to begin new
Leonardo had fascinating interests—from science to painting.
The narrative emphasizes the plan he had to reroute the Arno river, so that
ships could get from Florence to the sea. He is also fascinated with the idea
of flying, and devised a plan for a flying machine.
At the same time he is on this creative journey, he
receives commissions from the city to paint frescoes on public buildings, which
he works at sporadically. His primary obsession, during these years, is a young wife of a
successful silk merchant. Her name is Lisa Gheradini, and Leonardo convinces
her husband to commission a painting of her—the painting that became the
enigmatic Mona Lisa.
Michelangelo's obsession is a huge block of marble owned by
the city. He had just returned to Florence from the successful completion of
his statue, the Pieta, in Rome.
Surprisingly, for a relative unknown, Michelangelo receives the commission to
sculpt a statue from the gigantic hunk of marble. He decides to create a statue
of David, slayer of Goliath, and he dedicates all his energy to its creation—an
effort that nearly costs him his life. The David statue came to symbolize the strength of the city of Florence and set Michelangelo on a path to artistic super stardom.
The New
York Times reviewer calls Oil and Marble a "richly imagined tale," and
indeed the novel is eminently readable. Storey really knows her history, and
she manipulates her knowledge gracefully so that it tells a cohesive story. Even though I
have been to Florence and seen David,
and to the Louvre to see Mona Lisa, I
had no idea that both artists were living and working in Florence at the same
time. Of course Storey took dramatic license with the plot and the historic
figures involved. Even Machiavelli plays a manipulative role in the story line.

The rivalry between the two men is a secondary story line, but a
powerful one. It reminded me of the rivalry between Mozart and Salieri as it
was depicted in Amadaeus, although in
the case of da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of them created iconic
representations of the times—neither was a secondary player.
Another minor plotline, but also a powerful one, is da
Vinci's idea about redirecting the flow of the Arno River. With my ever handy
Google, I found that this was, in fact, true. The construction project failed,
and much land was wiped out by a flood, killing many people. Leonardo's shock
and grief over the failure of the project is exciting and horrifying at the
same time—one of the best written sections of the book. The plotline involving
Lisa Gheradini and Leonardo's obsession with her is not as well developed and
much less believable.
It has been at least 45 years since I was in Florence, but Oil and Marble really made me want to return. I loved the city. Storey has made the
city of Florence in the early 1500s one of the characters in the book. The book
is perfect for lovers of history and historical fiction, art, and excellent
character development.
Here are 10 top questions about the creation of Oil and Marble.
Here are 10 top questions about the creation of Oil and Marble.
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