by William Kent Kruger
Atria Books 2016
336 pages Mystery
Cork O'Connor is the former sheriff of Tamarack County,
Minnesota. Now he owns a burger joint/detective agency at the edge of Iron Lake,
and as Manitou Canyon opens, he is closing the restaurant and dreading
November. Even though his daughter Jennifer is going to be married later in the
month, many ghosts of Novembers past haunt Cork even more than the prospect of
the harsh winter ahead. He thinks of November as the "shoulder season,
right on the cusp of winter."
Cork is drawn into the search for a missing civil engineer,
John Harris. Harris designed some of the largest dams and bridges in the
world, and he and Cork were childhood friends. Harris went into the
Boundary Waters area with his two adult grandchildren, Trevor and Lindsay, and
disappeared while he was out fishing. Although a search doesn't find his body,
Trevor and Lindsay believe that he is out in the wilderness somewhere, and they
know that Cork knows the territory well and can help them.
The mystery evolves slowly and builds to a page-turning,
breathtaking finish. There is a tremendous interplay between the ancient and
the modern in the plot. While it begins with a search for a missing person, it
becomes a life and death battle for Cork to save himself and others during an
evolving fight to save tribal lands from an environmental disaster. Militant
natives fighting the mining industry. Interestingly enough, when I looked at
the news this morning, I read about a current Native American protest over a
pipeline being built in North Dakota. Protesters are saying that the pipeline
is damaging a native burial grounds. Read about it in
In most of the Cork O'Connor books, the tension between the Native
Americans and the modern culture is palpable.
Cork O'Connor is a thoroughly conflicted man. He has one
foot firmly in the modern world and one foot in the ancient traditions of his Ojibwa
heritage. He long ago came to believe that his heritage influenced his every
movement and everything that happened to him. "It was who he was, something
which had been passed down to him and from which he couldn't turn away,
something that would always threaten him and those who loved him and were loved
by him." In many ways, the race to save John Harris is a spiritual journey
as well as a physical journey. Cork must work through his demons and lead from
his heart rather than just his head.

Native spirituality and native practices play a very large
role in Manitou Canyon (and I would suppose all the Cork O'Connor books).
Krueger's respect for native culture plays heavily in the character
development and the plot. Henry, one of Cork's closest friends, is a "mide,"
a traditional healer and spiritual mentor. His influence permeates the book as
do the other spiritual practices of the native peoples in the book. Besides
being a thrilling mystery, the reader is imbued with spirituality and spiritual
The very best part of Manitou Canyon is the setting with all
its beauty, danger, and elusiveness. Cork knows the Boundary Waters very well,
and has navigated its lakes and portages many times. He knows the dangerous
weather signs of November and the constant threat of cold, rain, and snow. The
Star Tribune reviewer uses this example:
" Cork thinks of the 'thousand moments
when a man’s breath is taken away by some sudden, unexpected beauty … [then
with] no warnings of the dangers — severe storms that blew out of nowhere, high
waves that could founder a canoe, falling trees, forest fires.'” The setting
and its weather is as much a part of the thriller as is the thriller itself.
This is the 15th book in the Cork O'Connor series. I read the
first few of them years ago, but had not read one for several years. I love
reading about Duluth, the North Shore, and the Boundary Waters because this is
my home turf. One of my favorite North Shore books is
Long Shining Water by Dannielle Sosin. Another mystery series based in
the north woods of Minnesota is Vidar Sundstol's
Minnesota Trilogy. I read the satisfying first book of that series,
The Land of Dreams.
Finally, I want to mention that my niece, Cory Dack, spent
the summer guiding youth voyages in the Boundary Waters. She told me that she
has seen marvelous growth in the teenagers who venture on those journeys and
that she finds her soul there as well. Manitou Canyon explores those waters
and those soul experiences in ways that are just as satisfying as the mystery the
book exposes.