by Noah Strycker
Riverhead Books
304 pages
My father had a word for retired people—"birdwatchers."
How would he have felt if he had met young Noah Strycker, birdwatcher extraordinaire.
He really would have scratched his head. When I read Strycker's bio, which you
can read here, I scratch
my head as well. Strycker is not even 30 years old. The Wall Street Journal
review says: "Although Mr. Strycker is only in his late 20s, he writes
like a man who's ripened into advanced eccentricity." The Thing With
Feathers is an incredible look at the bird kingdom, but more importantly, it
tells how the characteristics of birds reveal things about humans that we
wouldn't have expected.
The Thing With Feathers is divided into three parts: body, mind, and
spirit. In each of these sections, Strycker talks about how specific birds exemplify
these three characteristics. He discusses pigeons, starlings, turkey vultures,
snowy owls, hummingbirds, penguins, parrots, chickens, nutcrackers, magpies,
bowerbirds, fairy wrens, and albatross. Strycker has observed all these birds
in their natural habitats, and he then relates what he has learned about each
species and how those characteristics relate to human characteristics.
For example, he discusses art and the bowerbird. This, by
the way, was a new bird to me. The male bowerbird builds elaborate huts to
attract females, gathering bits and pieces of human waste, like bits of plastic
and other colorful objects, to make a truly artistic and romantic site. When
the hut gets altered, such as if a human moves one or two of the pieces, the
bowerbird doesn't rest until his "artistic" endeavor is restored to
its full glory. Strycker then explores the idea of art and human expression.

My family has had a bird feeder nearly all of my adult life,
and birds have always been a fascination with me, although I cannot be
considered a birder. I simply love to look out the window and see "my"
birds. I have tried to keep track of the species that appear at our feeder, but
frankly, I don't always remember their names. My husband, on the other hand, is
always trying to figure out bird behavior, and he obsesses over trying to modify
that behavior. For instance, he won't fill the feeder until the birds have
eaten all the birdseed on the ground under the feeder. Never mind that most of the
birds will never pick up seed on the ground.
Sometimes, we are surprised by what we see. The other day,
for instance, we saw a male cardinal feeding a female Brewer's blackbird. We
have never seen a male Brewer's blackbird feeding a female, but we have seen
lots of male cardinals feeding female cardinals. This was a wonderful
Quite frankly, my husband and I loved The Thing With
We read it aloud to each other every morning, as we sat gazing out
the window at our birds. Which characteristics were we watching? Were we seeing
the same birds day in and day out? Would those blue jays ever eat the seeds on
the ground? (The answer, of course, is no.) We can highly recommend this look
at a world we knew very little about.
You might also enjoy Red
Tails in Love by Marie Winn, about the Red Tail Hawks that nest in a high
rise across the street from Central Park, New York. My sister texted me all
excited because she saw those Red Tails about a month ago. Following that book
review, there is a short item about my most amazing bird encounter.
The Wall Street Journal Review.
Noah Strycker's website.