
Monday, October 13, 2014

Your Life Isn't for You: A Selfish Person's Guide to Being Selfless

by Seth Adam Smith
Berret-Koehler Publishers     2014
83 pages      Nonfiction
The Shortlist

Smith is a blogger whose blog posting called Marriage Isn't For You engendered a lot of comments and repostings in the blogosphere. From that notoriety, he has published more of his postings on marriage, on selfishness, on selflessness, and on depression and suicide in the slim volume, Your Life Isn't For You. 

In this group of meditations, Smith uses the Oscar Wilde story, The Selfish Giant, as the metaphor for his life, how he suffered from extreme selfishness, and how he has been practicing to be more selfless. It is a short but sweet look at life, written for the young adult who is moving from living in his or her own head into a life filled with other people. Most young adults will be able to relate to Smith's story and find value in his advice. Smith also has published his wedding meditation, Marriage Isn't For You in book form. I think that it would be an appropriate gift for the newly married couple.

What I have found interesting is that the blogosphere has become such a source of books. For a while in 2011, I followed the postings of Nina Sankovitch who read a book a day for a year. She turned that experience into a book and has since written another. I often follow the recipes of the Pioneer Woman, who of course, now cooks on the Food Channel and has published a couple of books. And finally, today's Wall Street Journal had an article about how book publishers are going to YouTube to find video blogs and creating books from those postings. So apparently, if you want to be a writer, one good way to get noticed is to blog. 

Seth Adam Smith's blog.
A brief review in Seattle PI.

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